
Friday, August 30, 2013

It's a Pageant Thing...

I. Love. Pageants.
I'm not sure where this love stemmed from.
Perhaps it's because being a female, I may be a little programmed to love dresses, makeup, and sisterhood? (Ooooh boy, please don't be mad at me, feminists! ;)
I've competed in a couple, and would really like to do more in the future.
I've always adored being on stage, whether it be for music, acting, or competing. There's something about pageantry that is hard to explain unless you have been in one.

I love the evening gowns.

I love to do volunteer work (no, really! I do!)

You know what else is fun? Parades!

I love all of our sponsors, and doing sponsor photos: 

I also looooove making friends! I've always enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know more about them and where they came from. The women in this pageant I'm posting about (The Mrs. Idaho America Pageant) came from all walks of life. All ages, some with kids, some without. Some were working mothers, some were stay at home moms. But ALL of them were amazing! All of them enjoyed serving their communities and making them a better place. Some women spoke out against domestic violence or child abuse. Some of the ladies had a medical foundation or condition they were working to raise awareness to.
All of my pageant sisters were so kind, and tons of fun.

See? You can't fake that kind of fun! ;)
Even though pageants sometimes get a bad reputation, my experiences have been nothing but positive. I've never dealt with any cattiness or jealousy, or anything like that! As I said, these are some amazing women!

Another thing about pageants is, you learn a LOT! How to walk, how to talk, how to do interviews. You learn to better yourself, and think about how you can help others as well.


And of course - competing! I am a competitive person. Although I'm not a person who is devastated if she doesn't win, I sure do enjoy competing. Being on stage is such an adrenaline rush. You never know what will happen, if you'll make any mistakes, or how the crowd will react. That is my idea of FUN!

I can't wait until I get to compete again. Not this year, but maybe next, or the year after. This year has (obviously) been a pretty hectic one, and I wouldn't be able to leave Scarlett for those 3 days of competition. Also, I've been gaining weight lately from all the stress haha (although in all of these pictures, I was actually pregnant with Scarlett - almost 5 months! Hence, there are no pictures of me in my swimsuit ;) so I would really like to slim down and tone up for the next one.
Meanwhile, I will be planning, learning, and getting ready!
One last thing I wanted to talk about was my personal sponsors. Wow! I certainly felt the love and support and encouragement from these businesses and my community.

This was my page for the program. It was in black and white, like the rest of the book.

Have any of you ever competed in a pageant before? If so, what did/didn't you like about it? I'd love to hear your experiences, or questions if you have any!
Well, that's all of my thoughts for now! Hope you all have a lovely Friday!


1 comment:

  1. You look great and I love your gown! I've NEVER been in a pageant but I have thought about it.
